Inflammation, Mold and Mycotoxins


Molds, and the mycotoxins they produce, can cause a chronic inflammatory response by the immune system, which can impact the whole body leaving you struggling with a host of different symptoms.

If you start having unexplained symptoms think about mold and toxins being possible root causes.  Mold and toxins can impact anyone, anywhere.

After just 48 hours of moisture being trapped microbial growth starts.  Such growth can include fungal species, bacteria, Actinomyces, Mycobacteria, Mycoplasma and Parasites/Protozoa.  These microbes, their toxins (mycotoxins) and other chemicals can lead to chronic inflammation.  It doesn’t need to be from a major flooding event like the devasting floods experienced in Kentucky.  It can be as simple as a small water leak somewhere in your house that you are unaware of. 

What to do if you suspect mold?

Get your home or business tested. 

Two tests to consider are the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index(ERMI) or HERTSMI-2 (more accurate than ERMI). 

For the sake of your health you should vacate the premises if high levels of mold are found.

If you have been exposed to mold, then you should consider running the following functional and diagnostic tests through a medical doctor that has training in mold:

  • Vision Contrast Screening Test
  • Genetic testing of HLA-DR Heplotype. The HLA/DQ/DR gene determines if you have a genetic susceptibility to experiencing illness due to mold exposure. 
  • Inflammatory blood markers such as C4a, C3a, TGF-β1, MMP9.
  • Leptin, and steroidal hormones testing such at the DUTCH test.
  • Nasal swab for MARCoNS

Even if your genetics don’t show susceptibility to mold you should recognize that if the amount of mold in the home is high enough it can lower protective hormones and cause an inflammatory response.  Typically, those without the HLA susceptibility are able to recover more easily than those with HLA Susceptibility. 

The immune’s system inflammatory response to mold can:

  • Elevate a protein called C4a. This elevation can cause different symptoms in the body including short term memory issues.
  • Block and damage receptors in the hypothalamus. The receptors that get blocked are called Leptin receptors.  Leptin regulates appetite and fat storage.  When receptors are blocked, Leptin levels increase and tissues become resistant to the effect of Leptin.  Weight gain is promoted and weight loss becomes more difficult.
  • Lower production of neuropeptide hormones. These proteins regulate or control the fire or inflammation in the body and can result in the underproduction of regulatory chemicals.  The end result of this can be chronic pain, interrupted sleep, leaky gut, fatigue, and increased estrogen. 
  • Cause low levels of MSH. Low levels may allow staph bacteria to start colonizing the deep nasal passages.  Such bacteria are referred to as MARCoNS, and they are antibiotic resistant.  These bacteria create their own toxins, which contribute to the chronic inflammatory process and further lower MSH.  A perfect cycle. 
  • Cause elevation of the TGF-β1 protein, which can cause serious neurological problems such as tingling and numbness of the hands and fingers, and fine tremor. This protein, when high, can also lead to autoimmune issues.

Steps to take:

  • Remove yourself from any mold environment. If you can – move!  You should have the situation fully remediated before moving back into your home. 
  • Depending on your results your doctor will probably prescribe a binder for biotoxins called Cholestyramine. This should be taken on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals or one hour after meals.  Possible side effects may include constipation, gas, reflux. You should take this away from medications and supplements as it is a binder.  During this time it may be beneficial to increase healthy fats. 
  • Remove foods high in mycotoxins, which include corn, wheat, barley, sugar, rye, hard cheeses, peanuts and coconut oil made from old coconuts. You should source oil made from fresh coconuts such as Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut oil.  You should also avoid amylose found in root veggies (exceptions are onions and garlic), bananas, and rice.  Fish oil may be helpful.
  • Completing a deep cellular detox and using natural binders, is a good way to follow treatment with Cholestyramine. Natural binders include activated charcoal, Chlorella, Bentonite Clay, and Zeolites.  These are helpful as part of a deep detox.  Skin brushing, saunas, intermittent fasting can all help this process.  Fiber, both soluble and insoluble can be helpful.  Liver support is also important. 

 Other things to think about:

  • Open your windows in your home as often as you can.
  • Dust and vacuum regularly. Mold spores tend to collect in house dust.
  • Use houseplants to help clean the air in the house
  • Use a good air filter in your living space and bedrooms. A filter such as the Air Oasis 3000XG3 uses bi-polar ionization and remove mold spores and allergens.  There are also a number of different HEPA filtration systems available that can be added to your heating or cooling systems. 
  • Depending on the level of mold in the house your belongings may be covered in mold spores and will need special attention if you are able to keep them. If you are working with a mold remediation company, they will be able to give you more information on this.  For example, clothes will need to be washed.  You should use normal detergent and if possible dry them in the sun. You can add vinegar and/or Borox to the wash and/or rinse cycle. Dry clean those clothes that can be dry cleaned.  It may be possible to clean hard plastic or metal items with a solution of 80% vinegar 20% water or a solution of Windex diluted with water. Do not use bleach or essential oils.

A last note

If you are tested for MARCoNS your doctor should always treat this before you start any work on mycotoxins.  Typically, your doctor may suggest using a BEG nasal spray.  It should be noted that if your test results come back positive as Methicillin resistant it is possible that you could have more side effects or intensification with treatment.  Discuss this with your doctor.  Keeping the BEG spray in the fridge can help reduce any irritation or burning when used. 

If you think your home or business is making you sick get the premises tested and reach out to get the help you need.