Your Gut is the Key to Good Health  

We’ve known for over 2000 years now that our health starts in our gut.  Hippocrates was the first to state that all diseases begin in the gut.  We now have a much better understanding of why that is.   

Two main factors have a huge influence on how healthy we are.  First, the health of your internal bacteria, or microbiome.  The second the integrity to your gut lining, or mucosal barrier.  If our microbiome is not healthy; if our gut lining becomes leaky, you are egoist to experience health symptoms which could show up anywhere in your body.   Think head issues like brain fog, lack of concentration, anxiety, depression.  Think body issues like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, weight gain, skin issues, allergies and so on.

The body is  interconnected.  Rather like my logo, pulling just one thread in this pattern will cause distortions thoughout the pattern.  It’s the same for our body.  It’s called the Mind/Body connection.  What goes on in your body impacts you brain and visa versa.  We are a ‘whole system’ and addressing just one part doesn’t get results.