It’s Often our Thoughts that Hold us Back

Ever wondered why, when we know what we do – we continue to do what we do?  Thanks to Neuroscience we’re learning so much more about the brain and how it works.  When I first went into practice it was thought that the brain was essentially fixed and not capable of change.  That’s not true!  There is so much we can do now to change our thoughts and feelings – our limiting beliefs and emotions – so that they don’t hold us back. 

Neuroplasticity is the ability for the brain to change itself.  The brain is made up of about 100 billion neurons, each with thousands of connections to each other.  The organization of these connections encodes our beliefs, memories, habits, behaviors and more.  From birth, this organization constantly changes and it’s because of this that we can purposefully change our neural organization through directed effort.   One of my favorite modalities in this area is Havening Techniques®. Havening is known as a psychosensory therapy and works by removing the emotional link associated with a traumatic event. It can also be used to reduce present moment distress, boosts resiliency and personal empowerment, and enhance achievement and motivation.  It’s a very powerful technique. 

Why is this important.  Well if you think you can’t – you won’t.  If you think you’re not worth it – you won’t be.  Our stories can get in the way.  An important part of improving health is making sure your brain is on board as well.